Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Continue Automated Mining Robot

In the continue section of the automated mining robot,
I investigate deeper side of the automated mining robot.
There are still lots of thing that can customize and investigate more about the mining robot.

As I introduced using light sensor in the contemplate section, the continue section investigates about the darkness and lightness.
By adding ultrasonic sensor and light sensor together, the automated mining robot can decide where to go depends on the distance and also the lightness.
For example, light sensor will be helpful to find where the place is close or open.
Moreover, there are three condition which can be checked by the robot.
Darkness: to be sure the it is in the main shaft
Light: to know when it has found an opening
Condition: between darkness and lightness in case other conditions should be added and checked.

Also, the continue section talks about the emergency stop.
Because mining shafts is under full of dangerous condition, the sensor will help to immediately stop the robot, when the dangerous thing is sensed (for example, hole or huge object).

For example, touch sensor can be very helpful, in order to save the robot from crushing and destroying the robot itself. When the bumper is pushed, the robot will act emergency stop, and the robot will be saved.

PS: First picture is Automated Mining Robot with light sensor
Second picture is showing the emergency stop

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