On Wednesday, January 21st, 2009, it was my first time to program robot, and complete task by taskbot.
Before, doing programming, my task was to build a taskbot. When I am making a taskbot, by using the NXT-G software, I was very careful about stableness. This taskbot contains NXT, therefore, NXT should not fall during a task, and be very stable on the taskbot. Of course, there was an instructions for how to build taskbot, I really paid closed attention to instructions, and try not to do anything wrong. If I made taskbot, which has a problem, then I will not be able to complete a task, and also break some parts.
After, I build perfect taskbot, I started to the first mission 'Full Speed Ahead'. In this mission, I learned how to program a robot, to move certain action. The programming was very easy for me, as there was an instruction, and also programmer was easily made.
During a programmming, I was very careful about the line, functions for each icon. I needed to distinguish about start icon, wait icon, and stop icon. I first made left motor (C port) to start, and then made right motor (B port) to start. After that, I put wait icon, of wait for tire to roll 720 degrees. Finally, I put stop icon for each left and right motor.
As I expected, during a completing a mission, my taskbot went forward for just 720 degree rotations and stopped.
Close attention: Programming
I used LEGO Robots Programming system to program my taskbot.
This programmer is very easy, and everybody can use easily.
This programmer uses icons, to program a task. There are many types of icons (for example, move, wait, stop), and I choose what I want. I drag my favorable icon to a programming sheet. The icons on the programming sheet are connected by chain, and when chain gets broken, it will mean that the mission will stop, where the chain is broken. The robot will do what the icon orders from left icon to right icon. Finally, manage functions for each icon (ex. forward, backward, rotates for 720 degrees, go for 20 sec), and download to a robot by connecting a cable.
It is really easy, and quickly done.